Research Article

The Effect of Broccoli Extract in Arsenic-Induced Experimental Poisoning on the Hematological, Biochemical, and Electrophoretic Parameters of the Liver and Kidney of Rats

Table 3

Investigation of changes in oxidative stress biomarkers.

ControlASBAS + B value

CAT (nmol/ml)7.31 ± 3.245.96 ± 0.889.38 ± 3.286.63 ± 1.690.197
GPx (nmol/ml)5.12 ± 0.671.84 ± 0.97a4.22 ± 2.04a,b2.95 ± 1.6a,b,c0.049
SOD (nmol/ml)66.16 ± 7.4923.22 ± 10.44a64.11 ± 10.05b32.45 ± 5.66a,b,c≤0.01
MDA (nmol/ml)4.73 ± 1.7612.45 ± 1.20a3.32 ± 1.96b5.25 ± 2.64b,c≤0.01
TAC (µmol/ml)450.57 ± 37.58220.29 ± 69.53a858.47 ± 25.49a,b628.40 ± 54.71a,b,c≤0.01

All values are presented as Mean ± SEM. The letter (a) indicates a comparison with the control group, the letter (b) indicates a comparison with the AS group, and the letter (c) indicates a comparison with the B group. All data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA, and a post hoc test was performed by Tukey test (n = 8,  < 0.05).