Research Article

Protective Effect of XinJiaCongRongTuSiZiWan on the Reproductive Toxicity of Female Rats Induced by Triptolide

Figure 5

XJCRTSZW ameliorates TP-induced apoptosis, inflammation, and oxidative stress of human ovarian granulosa cells. (a, b) The apoptosis rate was determined using a flow cytometry assay. (c–e) The supernatant levels of IL-1β (c), IL-6 (d), and TNF-α (e) were measured by ELISA. (f) The level of SOD, GSH-Px, and MDA in GCs was detected using commercial kits. The means ± SD of three independent samples were shown. compared to the control group. # compared to the TP group. & compared to the TP + XJCRTSZW group.