Research Article

Bioassay’s Directed Isolation-Structure Elucidation and Molecular Docking of Triterpenes from Persea duthiei against Biologically Important Microbial Proteins

Table 2

Antifungal activity (% inhibition) of different fractions (15 mg/ml) [17] isolated from Persea duthiei against five fungi strains.

S. No.FractionsA. flavusA. fumigatesA. nigerF. solaniC. glabrata

1n-Hexane+, +++, +++
2Ethyl acetate+, +++, ++, ++
5Miconazole+, +, +, ++, +, +, ++, +, +, ++, +, +, ++, +, +, +

Note. (−) 100% growth; (+) 75% growth; (+, +) 50% growth; (+, +, +) 25% growth; (+, +, +, +) no growth.