Research Article

[Retracted] Continuing Care Bundle in Elderly Patients with Rectal Cancer after Radical Resection with Permanent Stoma

Table 2

The effects of the continuing care bundle on self-efficacy, self-care knowledge, and the ability to change stoma appliance.

At discharge1 month after discharge3 months after discharge

Control group (n = 42)69.6 ± 15.2472.43 ± 15.3777.19 ± 16.77
Bundle group (n = 42)70.79 ± 13.7781.93 ± 14.7893.33 ± 14.39

Self‐care knowledge
Control group (n = 42)16.57 ± 4.5317.53 ± 5.1917.98 ± 5.24
Bundle group (n = 42)17.29 ± 2.6319.35 ± 3.8621.86 ± 3.93

Ability to change stoma appliance
Control group (n = 42)18.95 ± 2.4719.26 ± 3.8919.74 ± 3.7
Bundle group (n = 42)18.5 ± 3.2923.19 ± 4.7927.51 ± 5.09

Note. and indicated the significant difference as compared the patients at discharge and 3 months after discharge in bundle group, respectively.