Research Article

[Retracted] Continuing Care Bundle in Elderly Patients with Rectal Cancer after Radical Resection with Permanent Stoma

Table 4

The influence of the continuing care bundle on the depression and anxiety in older rectal cancer patients with a permanent stoma.

Control group (n = 42)Bundle group (n = 42)Control group (n = 42)Bundle group (n = 42)

At discharge71.33 ± 14.9672.17 ± 12.240.78175.14 ± 11.4674.67 ± 13.420.862
1 month after discharge72.71 ± 13.3665.93 ± 14.600.02971.69 ± 14.4762.40 ± 14.960.005
3 months after discharge72.19 ± 11.4955.71 ± 18.89<0.00174.17 ± 12.4352.55 ± 17.68<0.001

Note. Zung’s self-rating depression scale (SDS) and self rating anxiety scale (SAS); and indicated the significant difference as compared the patients in bundle group at discharge and 3 months after discharge, respectively.