Research Article

[Retracted] Clinical Nursing Paths Benefit Patient Outcomes Undergoing Transcatheter Arterial Chemoembolization for Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Table 1

The protocols of CNP intervention.

TimeNursing strategy

On the first day of admission(a) Education before therapy: introduction to environment, system, personnel, disease information, and treatment.
(b) Routine examination of admission: blood routine and physical sign examination.
(c) Dietary guidance: low fat, low sugar, high protein, high vitamins, no smoking and alcohol.
(d) Create medical records.

On the second day of hospitalization(a) Routine biochemical examination: liver and kidney function and blood coagulation function.
(b) B-ultrasonic examination of liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and spleen.
(c) Introduce the matters needing attention before and after interventional therapy.
(d) Sign surgery consent.

On the day of treatment(a) Enter the intervention room for treatment accompanied by medical staff.
(b) Postoperative dietary guidance: avoid greasy foods within 2 h after surgery.
(c) Observe whether there is bleeding, exudate, and hematoma at the intervention site, use sandbags for acute compression to stop bleeding, and monitor the pulse of the dorsal artery of the foot.
(d) Ankle pump exercise was performed after 24 h and 6 h of limb immobilization after operation.
(e) Closely monitor the changes of vital signs.
(f) Use painkillers according to the condition of patients.

On the first day after treatment(a) The recovery of the involved limb was observed and the bandage was removed in 24 h.
(b) Guide correct rehabilitation activities and assist patients to complete simple activities such as getting out of bed.
(c) Observe postoperative complications.
(d) Regular examination of the liver and kidney function.

On the second and third day after treatment(a) Continue the infusion as directed by the doctor.
(b) Evaluate the spirit and state of mind of patients.
(c) Strengthen patients’ ability of freedom movement and self-care.
(d) Pay attention to vital signs and complications.

On the day of discharge(a) Blood routine and coagulation function test.
(b) Issue contact cards, introduce the time of revisit after discharge, emphasize the guidelines and matters needing attention in drug use, and establish follow-up.