Research Article

[Retracted] TRIM44 Promotes Endometrial Carcinoma Progression by Activating the FRS2 Signalling Pathway

Figure 2

TRIM44 knockdown regulates EC cell proliferation, invasion and migration (a) Expression of TRIM44 in TRIM44-knockdown EC cells assessed by Q–PCR in RL95-2 and Ishikawa cells. (b) Expression of TRIM44 in TRIM44-knockdown EC cells was detected by Western blot analysis. (c) The proliferation of EC cells at 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 days following TRIM44 knockdown (n = 6). (d) TRIM44 knockdown inhibits the G1/S transition of EC cells. ((e), (f)) Cell apoptosis was detected in TRIM44-knockdown EC cells using flow cytometry analysis (n = 6). ((g), (h)) Transwell invasion assays were performed in TRIM44-knockdown EC cells (n = 6). all data are presented as the mean ± SD. statistical significance: and .