Research Article

Effect of Acupuncture on Diaphragm Function in Healthy Volunteers: A Pilot Clinical Study

Table 1

List and location of acupoints and non-acupoints during true and sham acupuncture.


Geshu (BL17)1.5 cun lateral to the median vertebral line, at the level of the VII dorsal vertebra
Geguan (BL46)3 cun lateral to the median vertebral line, at the level of the VII dorsal vertebra
Danzhong (CV17)Midline level within the 4th intercostal space midway between the nipples
Tai chong (LR3)On the dorsum of the foot, in the depression proximal to the 1st metatarsal space
Yanglingquan (GB34)1 cun anterior inferior to the head of the fibula below the lateral part of the knee

Non-acupoint 1In the middle of touwei (ST8) and yuyao (EX-HN4) points
Non-acupoint 22 cun above the anterior superior iliac spine
Non-acupoint 32 cun below the umbilicus, and 1 cun lateral to the anterior midline.
Non-acupoint 4In the middle of the humerus medial epicondyle and the styloid process of ulna
Non-acupoint 53 cun below yanglingquan (GB34), between the gallbladder and bladder meridian

1 cun (≈20 mm) is defined as the width of the interphalangeal joint of subject’s thumb.