Research Article

Exploring the Muscle Metabolomics in the Mouse Model of Sepsis-Induced Acquired Weakness

Figure 5

C57BL/5 mice were divided into the following three groups: no-treatment (normal control group), sepsis, and sepsis-AW groups, with six mice in each group. (a) The heat map of 22 amino acid differential metabolites in the muscle samples of the normal, sepsis, and sepsis-AW groups as measured using targeted metabolomics. (b) Increased levels of leucine, cysteine, tyrosine, and serine as observed in the muscle of the sepsis-AW group mice. (c) The heat map of 20 energy differential metabolites in the normal, sepsis, and sepsis-AW muscle samples measured using targeted metabolomics. (d) Enhanced levels of AMP and reduced levels of cAMP observed in the muscles of the sepsis-AW group. , , and through the Kruskal–Wallis one-way analysis of variance followed by the Mann–Whitney U test for post hoc comparisons represent comparison between the control, sepsis, and sepsis-AW groups.