Research Article

Antidiabetic Activity of Mung Bean or Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek Seeds in Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Mice

Table 3

Antihyperglycemic activity of V. radiata on alloxan-induced diabetic mice.

Group (n = 6)BGL in mg/dl
Baseline7th day14th day

DC231.6 ± 17.2n3222.5 ± 11.7n3215.3 ± 13.1n3
VR100242.2 ± 19.4n3214.3 ± 15.8β3 n3197.5 ± 21.5a2 β3 n3
VR200235.9 ± 17.3n3211.7 ± 13.5a1β3 n3180.2 ± 15.8a3 β3 n3
VR400240.8 ± 23.1n3207.2 ± 12.5a1 β3 n3172.4 ± 9.8a3 β3 n3
DS247.6 ± 20.5n3191 ± 18.2a2 β3 n3150.9 ± 8.7a3 β3 n3
NC104.3 ± 9.798.4 ± 10.289.7 ± 7.8

Values are expressed in mean ± standard error. DC, diabetic control that receives 10 ml/kg normal saline; NC, normal control that receives 10 ml/kg normal saline; VR100, treatment group that receives V. radiata extract of 100 mg/kg; VR200, treatment group that receives V. radiata extract of 200 mg/kg; VR400, treatment group that receives V. radiata extract of 400 mg/kg; DS, positive control that receives glibenclamide (5 mg/kg); a compared to DC, n compared to NC, and β compared to baseline BGL.1 < 0.05,2 < 0.01,3 < 0.001; BGL, blood glucose level.