Research Article

Electroacupuncture at Acupoint ST36 (Zusanli) Improves Intestinal Motility Dysfunction Via Increasing the Proportion of Cholinergic Neurons in Rat Ileal Myenteric Ganglia after Severe Acute Pancreatitis

Figure 2

Effect of electroacupuncture on the density of neurons of the myenteric ganglia. Tissue with brown granular deposits indicates positive HuC/D immunostaining (arrows). Scale bar: 20 um, magnification: ×400. The distal ileum (a–c). The area of myenteric ganglia (d). The mean number of HuC/D immunoreactive myenteric neurons (e) n = 6 for each group). vs. control group, # vs. EA group. LM: longitudinal muscle. CM: circular muscle.