Research Article

Prevalence, Perception and Predictors of Concomitant Herbal Medicine Use among HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis Patients in Metekel Zone, Northwest Ethiopia: A Cross-Sectional Study

Table 2

Clinical characteristics of HIV/AIDS patient study participants, Metekel zone, northwest Ethiopia (N = 355).

VariableFrequency (%)

Know HIV status≤5 years141 (39.7)
5–10 years131 (36.9)
10+ years83 (23.4)
ART duration≤5 years148 (41.7)
5–10 years138 (38.9)
10+ years69 (19.4)
ART regimensTDF/3TC/DTG193 (54.4)
TDF/3TC/EFV136 (38.3)
AZT/3TC/NVP6 (1.7)
AZT/3TC/ATV/r20 (5.6)
Current CD4 count≤35086 (24.2)
350+269 (75.8)
ComorbidityYes70 (19.7)
No285 (80.3)
Use of other medicationYes108 (30.4)
No247 (69.6)
Experiencing OIsYes66 (18.6)
No289 (81.4)
Developed ART side effectsYes22 (6.2)
No333 (93.8)
History of drug discontinuationYes54 (15.2)
No30 (14.8)

HIV: human immunodeficiency virus, TB: tuberculosis, ART: antiretroviral therapy, TDF: tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, 3TC: lamivudine, DTG: dolutegravir, AZT: zidovudine, EFV: efavirenz, and NVP: nevirapine.