Research Article

Adaptive Auricular Point Acupressure for Sleep Disturbance in Women with Breast Cancer: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Table 1

Auricular points selected for participants.

Auricular pointsRational for selection

Main points (used for each participant in the APA group)Shenmen (TF4)Promoting inhibition (tranquilizing) effects
Xin (heart, CO15)Calming the mind based on the Zang organ and meridian theory of TCM
Pizhixia (subcortex, AT4)Harmonizing excitement and inhibition of the cortex

Corresponding points (varied for each participant in the APA group)Shen (kidney, CO10)Based on reflex theory, alleviating symptoms such as nocturia, nausea and vomiting, anxiety, or pain.
Wei (stomach, CO4)
Jiaogan (sympathetic, AH6a)
Location of body pain