Research Article

Electroacupuncture Modulates 5-HT4R-Mediated cAMP/PKA Signaling to Improve Intestinal Motility Disorders in a Thy1-αSyn Parkinson’s Mouse Model

Figure 2

Effects of electroacupuncture on the 5-HT concentration and 5-HT4R expression in the colon tissue of Thy1-αSyn transgenic mice. (a) Serotonin (5-HT) concentrations. (b) mRNA expression of 5-HT4R. (c) Representative images showing the distribution of 5-HT4R expression. (d) Protein expression of 5-HT4R in the mouse colon tissue of the normal control (N), PD model (M), electroacupuncture (EA), and western medicine (WM) groups. ∗∗ relative to the normal control group; # and ## relative to the PD model group.