Research Article

Golden Ager Chyawanprash with Meager Evidential Base from Human Clinical Trials

Table 1

Critical analysis of the scientific clinical studies around CP.

AuthorSample size and (age of the participants)Dose and durationKey effects of CP consumptionCritical findingsReference

Manjunatha S et al.N = 5. Healthy adult male volunteers (20–32 years)16 weeks (first 8 weeks intervention was given and next 8 weeks no supplements)Antihyperglycemic and hypolipidemic effectsThe sample size is very small. During the no supplement 8-week period, no significant effects were recorded.[3]
Dalai SK et al.N = 30. Healthy elderly volunteers (40–70 years)24 g/day for 40 days.Antiatherogenic, hypolipidemic, and improves strengthThe conclusive results are based on the assessment carried out on only 9 participants. CP as per Charaka Samhita reference was the most efficient[4]
Kumar S et al.N = 121. Type-2 diabetes subjects (18–70 years).One teaspoonful, twice daily for 90 daysStatistically insignificant change in HbA1c, blood sugar levels, lipid profile, and liver and renal function testsError in age selection criteria, as in younger ages, one can find minimal cases of type II diabetes. This study is about proprietary product Chyawanprash which contains sugar substitute[5]
Sastry JLN et al.N = 40. Subjects having the history of allergy and respiratory illnesses (5–75 years)12 g, twice a day for 12 weeks.Beneficial in nasal allergies and viral respiratory infectionsConflict of interest. The author of the study is employed at the company whose product is evaluated in the study.[6]
Sastry JLN et alN = 177. Subjects with no underlying organic disease (15–75 years)12 g, twice a day for 2 years.Reduction in disease symptoms due to seasonal influences, improved respiratory functions, quality of life and immunityIt is a robust study. Conflict of interest that the author of the study is employed at the company whose product is evaluated in the study is not mentioned.[7]
Gupta a et al.N = 313. School going healthy children (5–12 years)6 g, followed by a cup of milk, twice a day for 6 months.More than 2 times protection from immunity-related illness (episodes of infections or allergic disorders) and improves fitness, strength, stamina, and quality of life.A robust clinical study. A conflict of interest is mentioned. The author of the study is employed at the company whose product is evaluated in the study.[8]
Yadav JS et al.N = 25. Male smokers20 g, twice a day for 2 months.GenoprotectiveEfficiently conducted clinical study.[9]
Debnath PK et al.N = 99. Pulmonary tuberculosis patients (10–65 years)10 g thrice daily (total 30 g/day), used as adjunct therapy with antitubercular drugs for 28 days.Toxicity reduction and early restoration by increasing the bioavailability of antitubercular drugsConclusive results are based on findings of only 15 patients. The sampling and study design is complex and lacks clarity.[10]
Sanger NS et al.N = 30. Confirmed COVID-19 mild to very mild symptoms (18–75 years)12–24 g, with water or milk for 28 days.Significant improvement in immunity and respiratory clinical symptomsA robust clinical study.[11]
Kumar SS et al.N = 75. Healthy college students (mean age of 19.63 ± 1.55 years)15 g, twice a day for 150 days.Improvement in cognitive functionsMethodologically performed clinical study.[12]