Research Article

Injuries, Sequelae, and Treatment of Lightning-Induced Injuries: 10 Years of Experience at a Swiss Trauma Center

Table 2

Lightning strike victims presenting between 2000 and 2010 to our emergency department.

YearAgeGenderDescription of eventCardiovascularNeurologicalSkinENTOther

10330FemalePatient with arrhythmias after lightning strikeArrhythmia////

20345MalePatient was driving a car when hit by lightning, strong contraction of the pectoral musclesThoracic pain///Muscular pain

30524FemalePatient was in contact with a car when hit by lightning; short episode of paralysis and paresthesia in the right leg, first degree burns of the right hemithorax, strong pain in gluteal muscle, rhabdomyolysis, hospitalized/Paresthesia, paralysisFirst-degree burns/Myoglobinuria, muscular pain

40641MalePatient standing on the roof of a building when hit by lightning, arrhythmia, excoriation of hands, hospitalizedArrhythmiaVertigoExcoriation//

50758MalePatient hiking when hit by lightning, paresthesia, first-degree burns on right-lower extremity, second- to third-degree burns on entrance point and exit point on right-lower leg and left chest, admission to ICU/ParesthesiaSecond- to third-degree burns (9% of body surface)/Myoglobinuria

60949MalePatient with arrhythmias after lightning strikeArrhythmia////

70932FemalePatient standing at a window when hit by lightning; paralysis and paresthesia of the left upper extremity for two hours/Paresthesia, paralysis///

81033FemalePatient driving a car when hit by lightning; deafness of the right ear, paresthesia of the right ear, headache/Paresthesia, headache/deafness/

91052MalePatient working in the forest when lightning hit a tree 0.50 m away, cardiopulmonary arrest, wide nonreactive pupils, resuscitation, followed by intermittent bradyarrhythmia, admission to ICUAsystole, arrhythmiaUnreactive pupils///