Research Article

Epidemiology of Isolated Acromioclavicular Joint Dislocation

Table 1

The Rockwood classification takes into account not only the acromioclavicular joint, but also the coracoclavicular ligament, the deltoid and trapeziusmuscles, and the direction of dislocation of the clavicle with respect to the acromion. According to this classification, AC dislocations can be divided into 6 types.

TypeAC ligamentAC joint capsuleCC ligamentAC joint displacementDelta-trapezial fascia

Type ISprainedIntactIntactNoneIntact
Type IITornDisruptedIntact50% AC subluxationIntact
Type IIITornDisruptedTorn100% AC superior dislocationIntact
Type IVTornDisruptedTorn100% AC posterior dislocation.
Posterior displacement of the distal clavicle into or through the trapezius muscle
Type VTornDisruptedTorn100–300% AC superior dislocation.
Complete detachment of deltoid and trapezius muscle from their clavicular insertion
Type VITornDisruptedTorn100% AC inferior dislocation.
Inferior displacement of the distal clavicle into a subacromial or subcoracoid position