Research Article

A Study of the Pattern of Admissions to the Accident and Emergency (A&E) Department of a Tertiary Care Hospital in Sri Lanka

Table 1

Frequency of presentations to A&E.


1. Medicine26,825 (55%)14,508 (54.0%)12,317 (46.0%)
2. Surgery20,524 (42%)14,836 (72.3%)5,688 (27.7%)
2.1. Trauma non-RTA (falls and other)11,768 (57%)8,311 (70.6%)3,457 (29.4%)
2.2. RTA5,444 (27%)4,308 (79.1%)1,136 (20.9%)
2.3. Assaults1,867 (9%)1,376 (73.7%)491 (26.3%)
2.4. Abdominal pain (surgery)1,445 (7%)841 (58.2%)604 (41.8%)
3. Paediatrics1,751 (3.5%)1,050 (60.0%)701 (40.0%)
4. Gyn&Obs113 (0.2%)