Research Article

Blunt Isolated Small Bowel Perforation Intervention: Does a Delay in Management Matter?

Table 3

Comparison of outcomes between groups treated for ≤24 and those treated for >24 hours.

Time to operation ≤24 h (n = 46)Time to operation >24 h (n = 6) value

Male34 (74)4 (67)0.655
Age (y), mean ± SD52 ± 1661 ± 90.192
Abdominal pain43 (94)5 (83)0.397
Time from injury to OR (hour), median (IQR, 25–75)4.8 (3.2–8.9)43.8 (37.5–81)0.001
Time from ER to OR (hour), median (IQR, 25–75)2.7 (2–4.8)31.1 (4.3–42.8)<0.001
Injury mechanism0.918
 MVC21 (46)2 (33)
 MBC5 (11)1 (17)
 Pedestrian5 (11)1 (17)
 Falls2 (4)0 (0)
 Bicycle3 (6)0 (0)
 Others10 (22)2 (33)
SBP (mmHg), median (IQR, 25–75)110 (94–130)103 (98–124)0.356
Hypotension (SBP <90 mmHg)10 (22)0 (0)0.582
HR (beats per minute), mean ± SD86 ± 1789 ± 140.699
GCS, median (IQR, 25–75)15 (14–15)15 (14–15)0.472
CT findings (initial)
 Bowel-wall thickness41 (89)4 (67)0.180
 Mesenteric stranding40 (87)6 (100)1.000
 Free air36 (78)2 (33)0.038
 Free fluid41 (89)6 (100)1.000
 Contrast extravasation12 (26)0 (0)0.316
Initial Hgb (mg/dl), mean ± SD13.6 ± 2.312.1 ± 1.80.143
Initial WBC (109/L), mean ± SD11.8 ± 5.112.1 ± 7.90.883
CRP (n = 44 mg/dL), median (IQR, 25–75)0.24 (0.08–1.07)10.8 (0.05–24.00)0.357
Lowest Hgb (mg/dl), mean ± SD10.3 ± 2.110.3 ± 1.60.983
Abdominal AIS score0.650
 330 (65)5 (83)
 416 (35)1 (17)
ISS, median (IQR, 25–75)17 (10–24)0.950
 14 (9)1 (17)
 234 (74)4 (66)
 38 (17)1 (17)
Bowel resection26 (57)5 (83)0.382
LOS (days), median (IQR, 25–75)24 (17–36)28 (20–98)0.720
ICU LOS (days), median (IQR, 25–75)2 (1–12)11 (7–14)0.388
Mortality3 (7)01.000
Morbidity120 (44)3 (50)1.000
Wound complication213 (28)3 (50)0.357
Intra-abdominal complication38 (17)1 (17)1.000
Lung complication410 (22)2 (33)0.612
Catheter-associated complication3 (7)1 (17)0.397
Acute kidney injury201.000

SD standard deviation; OR operation room; ER emergency room; MVA motor vehicle collision; MBA motor bike collision; SBP systolic blood pressure in emergency department; HR heart rate in emergency department; GCS Glasgow coma scale; CT computed tomography; Hgb hemoglobin; WBC white blood cell; CRP C-reactive protein; AIS abbreviated injury scale; ISS: injury severity score; BIPS bowel injury prediction score; LOS length of hospital stay; ICU intensive care unit. 1The sum of the percentages does not equal 100% because of multiple responses. 2Wound complication includes wound infection and evisceration. 3Intra-abdominal complication includes intra-abdominal abscess, leakage, enterocutaneous fistula, and intestinal obstruction. 4Lung complication includes pneumonia and ARDS.