Review Article

Biliothoracic Fistula after Microwave Ablation of Liver Metastasis : Literature Review

Table 1

Six cases of thoracobiliary fistula following thermal ablation of liver metastases.

AuthorPrimary tumorLocation (hepatic segment)Treated lesion(s) (number)Maximum diameter (mm)FistulaOnset time (days)TreatmentOutcomeTime for resolution (weeks)

PendeColorectalV–VIII1N/ABPFN/ACD + EDResolution2
LiberaleRenalIV165BBF28CD + EDResolution4
XiBreastRight lobe1NABBF14PalliativeDead
PinskerNET small bowelV–VI–VII3N/ABBF1ED synthetic glueResolution28

Resolutive treatment. NET: neuroendocrine tumor; BPF: biliopleural fistula; BBF: biliobronchial fistula; ED: endoscopic drainage; PD: percutaneous drainage; CD: chest drainage; N/A: not acquired.