Research Article

Effect of Serum Ferritin on the Prognosis of Patients with Sepsis: Data from the MIMIC-IV Database

Table 3

Results of log-binomial model analysis.

VariablesBSEzAdjusted ORs (95% CI) value

Hyperferritinemia (%)0.830.267.242.29 (1.83–2.87)<0.001
Female (%)−0.120.10−1.030.89 (0.71–1.11)0.303
Age (years) (1.01–1.03)<0.001
Anemia (%)−0.590.07−5.020.55 (0.44–0.70)<0.001
Temperature (°C)−0.200.06−2.970.82 (0.72–0.93)0.003
HR (bpm)0.000.00−0.101.00 (0.99–1.01)0.923
RR (cpm) (1.01–1.04)0.010
SpO2 (%)−0.030.02−1.520.97 (0.94–1.01)0.128
MBP (109/L)0.000.00−0.831.00 (0.99–1.00)0.408
WBC (109/L) (1.01–1.03)0.002
Hemoglobin (g/dL)−0.120.03−4.200.88 (0.83–0.94)<0.001
Lactate (mmol/L)0.490.117.601.64 (1.44–1.86)<0.001
SOFA score0. (1.02–1.11)0.002
Vasopressor using (%)0.450.193.771.57 (1.24–1.98)<0.001
AKI (%)0.730.364.262.08 (1.48–2.90)<0.001
Culture positive (%)−0.020.11−0.200.98 (0.78–1.23)0.841

CHD: coronary heart disease; HF: heart failure; CKDs: chronic kidney diseases; HR: heart rate; RR: respiratory rate; MBP: mean blood pressure; WBC: white blood cell; SOFA score: the sequential organ failure assessment; AKI: acute kidney injury.