Research Article

The Dependency of Diffusion Coefficients and Geometric Factor on the Size of the Diffusing Molecule: Observations for Different Clay-Based Materials

Table 1

Overview of used samples with the SCK ID, core number, type, and orientation with respect to the bedding.

MaterialSCK IDCore #TypeOrientation

Boom ClayK2ON-Mol-1 84bClay
Boom ClayK4ON-Mol-1 127bClay//
Eigenbilzen SandsK14ON-Mol-1 36aClayey sand//
Eigenbilzen SandsK15ON-Mol-1 37bClayey sand//
Eigenbilzen SandsK16ON-Mol-1 35bClayey sand
Eigenbilzen SandsK17ON-Mol-1 39bClayey sand
Volclay KWKBentonite 1.4Dry density 1.4 g/cm3
Volclay KWKBentonite 1.6Dry density 1.6 g/cm3
Callovo-Oxfordian ClayCOXEST 49109Claystone
Opalinus ClayOPASchlattingen 860.32 m depthClaystone