Research Article

Homogenization Experiments of Crystal-Rich Inclusions in Spodumene from Jiajika Lithium Deposit, China, under Elevated External Pressures in a Hydrothermal Diamond-Anvil Cell

Figure 4

The fluid inclusions and crystal-rich inclusions hosted in spodumene. (a) shows the alterations of crystal-rich inclusions (CIs) “A” and “B” by the late aqueous fluid. In (b), except CI “C” that was destroyed by late fluid, other CIs occurred in one fluid inclusion assemblage (FIA) showing similar crystal/fluid proportion and CO2 volume%. In (c), an isolated CI “D” showed primary features without alteration by late fluid. In (d), the CIs “E” and “F” belong to a FIA with similar crystal/fluid proportions and CO2 volume% and without alteration by late fluid, which occurred along the nearby healed fractures. (e) shows that three CIs belong to a FIA “G.” (f) shows a FIA of CIs with similar crystal/fluid proportion that was cut by small aqueous fluid inclusions distributing along healed fractures. The CIs have a negative spodumene crystal-shape. The length of the scale bar in black is 100 μm.