Research Article

Machine Learning Models for Spring Discharge Forecasting

Figure 5

Geological and hydrogeological map (a), section of the Alzabove spring area (b), and rain gauge location (c). Key to the legend: (1) the talus and alluvial deposit complex (Olocene-Pleistocene) has high permeability which constitutes the local aquifer; (2) the lacustrine deposit complex (Olocene-Pliocene) has an aquitard function; (3) terrigenous complexes (marls, scaly clays, and sandstones) (Miocene) have an aquitard function; (4) the Scaglia calcarea complex (Scaglia Rossa and Scaglia Bianca Fm.) (Eocene-Cretaceous) has high permeability and high storing capacity which constitute the regional aquifer; (5) the Marne a fucoidi complex (Lower Cretaceous) has an aquitard function; (6) Maiolica complex (Lower Cretaceous-Jurassic) has high permeability and high storing capacity which constitute the regional aquifer; (7) the calcareous siliceous marly complex (Marne del Sentino-Rosso Ammonitico-Marne ad Aptici Fm.) (Upper Jurassic) has an aquitard function; (8) the Corniola-Calcare Massiccio basal complex (Lower Jurassic) has high permeability and high storing capacity which constitute the regional aquifer; (9) fault; (10) folds: (a) anticline and (b) syncline; (11) thrust; (12) springs: (a) Capo Vena, (b) Verchiano, and (c) Alzabove; (13) groundwater level: the numbers indicate the water above sea level; (14) river; (15) section trace; (16) village.