Research Article

Behaviour of Tritium and Tritiogenic Helium in Freshwater Lens Groundwater Systems: Insights from Langeoog Island, Germany

Figure 1

(a) Location of Langeoog Island, (b) map of the water supply area in the Heerenhus dune area showing the positions of the abstraction and observation wells, and (c) apparent bulk resistivity of the subsurface at 10 m below msl based on airborne electromagnetic measurements [22]. Blue lines in (b) represent the groundwater level elevation above msl during the summer of 1996, and the red line shows the projection of the model cross section. The shaded areas enclose the locations where Costabel et al. [23] found either no indication for the presence of the aquitard or found it to be <4 m thick. See their Figure 11 for the elevation of the top of the aquitard.