Research Article

Degassing at the Volcanic/Geothermal System of Kos (Greece): Geochemical Characterization of the Released Gases and CO2 Output Estimation

Figure 4

(a) Binary plot of vs. 4He/20Ne of the Hellenic gas emissions. The mixing lines between the atmosphere and mantle and between the atmosphere and crust are also plotted. Dashed lines represent mixing between the atmosphere and endmembers, with different percentages of mantle contribution; (b) binary plot of CO2/3He vs. δ13C-CO2. The compositions for sediments, MORB-like mantle, and limestone endmembers are as follows: δ13C-, -5‰, and 0‰, respectively, and , , and , respectively, [41]. SAAVA data from [14, 35, 36, 4244].