Research Article

Evaluation on the Stability of Vertical Mine Shafts below Thick Loose Strata Based on the Comprehensive Weight Method and a Fuzzy Matter-Element Analysis Model

Table 1

Examples of instability failure accidents that have occurred in mine shafts [10, 11].

Mining areaShaft nameTime of accidentFracture conditions

XuzhouMain shaft of Zhang Shuanglou Coal Mine1987.8.7The shaft wall was fractured, blocks fell, and water seepage occurred in the damaged area to a limited extent.
Auxiliary shaft of Zhang Shuanglou Coal Mine1987.7.29The shaft wall was fractured. The shaft annulus reinforcement was bent. The cage-girder was distorted. A large amount of groundwater instantaneously burst into the shaft. The water inflow was 60.5 t/h, which flooded the shaft and the roadway.
Air shaft of Zhangshuanglou Coal Mine1992.6.4The shaft wall was fractured, and a large amount of material fell down. The shaft wall was moved inward by 300 mm due to the compressive force. The damage was serious.
HuaibeiAuxiliary shaft of Linhuan Coal Mine1987.7.12The concrete in the shaft wall fell in pieces in a ring. The depth was between 200 and 250 m. The reinforcement was exposed and bent backward. The water inflow at the rupture was 1 t/h, and the headframe was displaced.
Main shaft of Haizi Coal Mine1988.10.6The concrete in the shaft wall was spalled, and the reinforcement was exposed and bent backward. Some parts of the shaft wall were underwater, and a cage-jamming accident occurred.
West air shaft of Linhuan Coal Mine1993.7The concrete in the shaft wall fell off in pieces. The depth was between 200 and 250 m. The reinforcement was exposed and bent backward.
Auxiliary shaft of Wugou Coal Mine2013.6Water burst from the connecting-bolt gaps of the cage-guide, which was 256 m from the surface, and the water level increased. Water appeared in two sand holes on the right-hand side of the shaft wall.
HuainanEast air shaft of Panyi Coal Mine1992.7.27The surface of the shaft wall cracked; the maximum width of the crack was 1.3 m and the depth was 100 mm. Water seepage occurred in local areas.
Auxiliary shaft of Banji Coal Mine2009.4.18A large volume of water inrush occurred, with a water inflow volume of 10,000 m3/h. The fan stopped running and the entire mine was flooded.
JiningMain shaft of Baodian Coal Mine1995.7.12The cage-guide joints were compacted, the pipelines were compressed and bent, and multiple horizontal cracks appeared on the concrete surface.
Main shaft of Xinglongzhuang Coal Mine1997.6.23The cage-guide joints were compacted, the pipelines were compressed and bent, and multiple horizontal cracks appeared on the concrete surface. The vertical reinforcement was bent and exposed.
HezeMain shaft of Guotun Coal Mine2015.6.1Six pieces of cage-guide on the first compressible shaft wall in the shaft came loose and dropped, resulting in damage to the skip tail rope and the support mechanism at the shaft bottom.