Research Article

Thermally Affected Zone (TAZ) Assessment in Open-Loop Low-Enthalpy Groundwater Heat Pump Systems (GWHPs): Potential of Analytical Solutions

Table 1

Nomenclature of thermal and hydrodynamic parameters.

ParameterSymbolUnit of measure

Horizontal hydraulic conductivity[ms-1]
Vertical hydraulic conductivity[ms-1]
Effective porosity[-]
Volumetric heat capacity of the fluid[J·m-3K-1]
Volumetric heat capacity of the solid[J·m-3K-1]
Volumetric heat capacity of the porous media[J·m-3K-1]
Heat conductivity of the fluid[W·m-1K-1]
Heat conductivity of the solid[W·m-1K-1]
Heat conductivity of the porous media[W·m-1K-1]
Thermal diffusivity[m·s-1]
Longitudinal dispersivity[m]
Transverse dispersivity[m]
Flow rate[m3day-1]
Volumetric heat source[Wm-3]
Darcy velocity[ms-1]
Hydraulic gradient along the -direction[-]
Aquifer thicknesses[m]