Research Article

Mining-Induced Stress-Fissure Field Evolution and the Disaster-Causing Mechanism in the High Gas Working Face of the Deep Hard Strata

Table 1

Coal and gas outbursts during the construction of Paner Coal Mine.

Coal seamElevation (m)Amount of outburst coal (t)Amount of outburst gas (m3)TypeCause

B4-1-420568000OutburstChanging the form of support and a leaky roof
B4-470233900ExtrusionEncountering tectonic structures when uncovering the coal
B4-2-42011.22000ExtrusionEncountering tectonic structures when uncovering the coal
B4-1-42022800ExtrusionEncountering tectonic structures when uncovering the coal
B4-1-420162400ExtrusionFissure development, coal uncovering, and blasting