Research Article

Network Design Mode of In-Seam Gas Extraction Parameters Using Mathematical Modelling—Take Tangan Colliery as an Example

Table 1

Main parameters of gas extraction simulation.


Young’s modulus of coal (, MPa)3950
Young’s modulus of coal skeleton (, MPa)11850
Poisson’s ratio of coal (, —)0.4
Density of coal (, kg/m3)1390
Initial porosity of coal seam (, —)0.0137
Initial permeability of coal seam (, m2)
Dynamic viscosity coefficient of gas (, )
Universal gas constants (, ))8.314
Gas molar mass (, g/mol)16
Coal temperature (, K)300
CH4 Langmuir pressure constant (, MPa)0.96
CH4 Langmuir volume constant (, m3/kg)0.035
CH4 Langmuir volumetric strain constant (, —)0.02295
Atmospheric pressure under standard conditions (, MPa)0.1