Research Article

Coupling Relationship between Multistage Fluid Activity and Reservoir Abnormally High-Porosity Zones in the Songtao–Baodao Region, Qiongdongnan Basin

Figure 5

Fluid inclusion images of sandstone samples from the Songtao–Baodao region of the Qiongdongnan basin. TR: transmission light; UV: fluorescence. (a, b) Pure gaseous inclusions without fluorescence observed in quartz particle crack; well BD19-B-2, 3818 m. (c, d) Yellow fluorescent oil inclusions in quartz grains; well BD19-A-1, 3860 m. (e, f) Three-phase CO2 inclusions developed in quartz particles and nearby associated aqueous inclusions; well BD19-B-1, 5155 m.