
Flow and Transport in Porous Media: A Multiscale Focus


Lead Editor

1University of Regina, Regina, Canada

2KAUST, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia

3Effat University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

4China University of Petroleum, Beijing, China

5University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway

Flow and Transport in Porous Media: A Multiscale Focus


Porous media are ubiquitous in almost all of our daily life applications, from small scale biological cell membranes to field scale subsurface reservoirs (e.g., groundwater, petroleum, and geothermal reservoir) and beyond. It is indeed a challenge to account for such vast pool of length scales in a unified framework. In fact, the continuum hypothesis furnishes a suitable framework for the study of problems related to porous media applications. However, there exist situations of several interesting applications that are at the boundaries between different scales (e.g., fractured media). Phenomena that develop across different scales are, generally, difficult to handle because the same variables at different scales may have different meanings, interpretations, and measuring windows. Therefore, there is currently a large interest, among researchers, to develop theories and algorithms that are able to link these scales in a seamless manner. Meanwhile, the success to adapt the continuum hypothesis relies, to a large extent, on our understanding of the underlying physics at the small scale. As an example, the attempts to generalize the use of traditional Darcy’s law on problems related to transport phenomena in tight formations (e.g., shales) necessitated the need to revisit the physics involved during the flow and transport in nanoscale passages to be able to be correctly upscaled to field applications. Furthermore, new emerging applications including the transport of nanomaterials, new emerging contaminants, and new remediation technologies require, probably, newer insight into the way we model porous media problems.

We, therefore, solicit high quality original research as well as review articles focusing on all aspects of flow and transport in porous media.

Potential topics include but are not limited to the following:

  • Development of physical models to describe different complex phenomena in porous media, particularly across multiple scales
  • Development of models that describe chemical, microbial, and physical aspects of subsurface fluids throughout the Earth’s crust
  • Multiphysics and multiscale issues in reactive flow in rock media
  • Fluid flow, heat transfer, and chemical processes associated with geothermal reservoirs
  • Development of multiphase flow and multicomponent transport models at pore scales of porous media
  • Cross-scale analysis and derivation of linear and nonlinear Darcy’s scale laws from pore scale governing equations
  • Multiscale algorithms that effectively couple simulations among various scales of porous media
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Acceptance rate29%
Submission to final decision141 days
Acceptance to publication32 days
Journal Citation Indicator0.600
Impact Factor1.7
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