
Multidisciplinary Approaches in Advancing Landslide Hydrology and Science

Publishing date
01 Mar 2021
Submission deadline
06 Nov 2020

Lead Editor

1National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan

2University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

3METUMiddle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey

Multidisciplinary Approaches in Advancing Landslide Hydrology and Science


Landslides have major impacts worldwide, directly and indirectly posing threats to safety, infrastructure, property, and the environment. The increased occurrences of disastrous landslides are underestimated globally, down to the local level. Most decisively, it is undeniable that fluids, such as water infiltration, precipitation, fluid-structure interaction, fluid dynamics, erosion, scouring, unsaturated characteristics, and liquefaction interplayed an endemic role in the failure mechanisms behind these rapidly increased disasters.

To manifest the interplay of fluids and mitigate damages concerning the contemporary landslide challenges globally and locally, this Special Issue aims to provide a timely platform to draw on new research supported by advanced physical science, technological, and multi-disciplinary perspectives.

Stemming and extending from the interplays of fluids, the special issue will encompass innovative explorations of landslide science, cutting-edge techniques of inventory and early warning systems, advanced field and susceptibility examinations, and revelations of failure mechanism and runout process modeling. Contributions documenting detailed investigations into hydrological and geomaterial characterization of regions prone to landslides, exercising interdisciplinary concepts, data-driven methods, hydrodynamic simulations, three-dimensional studies, machine-learning models, physically-based or benchmarking conceptual approaches are also of interest to this comprehensive Special Issue.

Potential topics include but are not limited to the following:

  • Roles and interplays of fluids in large-scale landslides
  • Science issues connected with large-scale landslides
  • Fluid-structure interaction, real-time monitoring, and early warning systems
  • Phenomenon associated with driving factors and countermeasures
  • Data-driven methods, machine-learning strategies, and innovative applications
  • Analytical, computational, and physical-based analyses using cutting-edge concepts
  • Scientific strategies, forensic investigations, geophysical technologies, and integrated approaches
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Acceptance rate24%
Submission to final decision146 days
Acceptance to publication27 days
Journal Citation Indicator0.600
Impact Factor1.7
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