Case Report

Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis C in a Patient Affected by Systemic Sclerosis

Table 1

Disease activity parameters.

Variable3 months before IFN therapy2 months before IFN therapy1 month before IFN therapy1 week before IFN therapy4th weeks of therapyAt the end of IFN24 months after IFN

FVC (% predicted)+0%−10%+0%
DLCO (% predicted)−29%−40%−20%
White cells count 73.26.6
Red cells count 4.664.24.62
Hg (g/dl)13.41213
Platelet count 215194243
Creatinine (mg/dl)0.890.60.7
ALT (IU/L)85743723724136
AST (IU/L)42429115616836
AP (IU/L)422344291275
GGT (IU/L)288187115110
Bilirubin (mg/dl)0,40.40.30,3
HCV-RNA viremia (IU/ml)3131760<50<50<50