Research Article

Prevalence of Joint Hypermobility and Patterns of Articular Manifestations in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Table 4

Medication of IBD patients in relation to Joint Hypermobility. A number of patients were on combination treatment (data not shown).

TreatmentCrohn’s disease N Ulcerative colitis N

Steroids the last year17 (10/7)11 (3/8)
Aminosalycilates19 (12/7)20 (7/13)
Azathioprine14 (11/3)7 (2/5)
Anti-TNF12 (10/2)0
Antibiotics5 (3/2)2 (1/1)
Methotrexate1 (1/0)1 (0/1)
Mercaptopourin1 (0/1)1 (0/1)