Research Article

Diagnostic Value of the 13C Methacetin Breath Test in Various Stages of Chronic Liver Disease

Table 1

Baseline characteristics of the studied population ( ).

Gender (male/female)47 (61%)/30 (39%)

Age (years)50 ± 16
Ethnic groups
 Malay/Chinese/Indian27 (35%)/37 (48%)/13 (17%)

 HBV25 (32.5%)
 HCV20 (26.0%)
 NAFLD9 (11.7%)
 Cryptogenic7 (9.1%)
 Myelofibrosis1 (1.3%)
 Alcohol12 (15.6%)
 PBC/AIH3 (3.8%)

 Child-Pugh class A11 (23.4%)
 Child-Pugh class B15 (31.9%)
 Child-Pugh class C21 (44.7%)

Stages of fibrosis
  Stage 0 9 (30.0%)
 Stage 110 (33.3%)
 Stage 2 7 (23.3%)
 Stage 3 3 (10.0%)
 Stage 4 1 (3.33%)

#Abbreviations: HBV: chronic hepatitis B; HCV: chronic hepatitis C; NAFLD: non alcoholic fatty liver disease; PBC: primary biliary cirrhosis; AIH: autoimmune hepatitis.