Research Article

Worries and Concerns among Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients Followed Prospectively over One Year

Table 3

Determination of the RFIPC’s ability to discriminate between IBD symptom severity scores at baseline.

UC (n = 92)

RFIPC dimensions
 F1 Impact of disease15.5 (12.6)29.1 (20.0)43.2 (18.8)14.895<0.001
 F2 Expectancy23.5 (17.1)40.6 (26.0)44.6 (24.9)5.5840.005
 F3 Treatment15.7 (11.2)34.5 (23.1)42.6 (25.7)10.082<0.001
 F4 Intimacy9.4 (9.6)21.4 (17.4)28.1 (24.4)6.7230.002
 F5 Stigma11.0 (13.0)21.1 (22.1)29.6 (22.7)5.2050.007
 F6 Complications15.8 (15.1)30.2 (15.6)38.0 (17.8)4.1420.019
 Sum score16.0 (11.3)30.2 (15.6)38.0 (17.8)13.165<0.001

CD (n = 48)

RFIPC dimensions
 F1 Impact of disease28.5 (25.1)31.7 (19.0)44.6 (19.1)2.633NS
 F2 Expectancy38.8 (36.4)41.4 (26.7)44.2 (29.1).102NS
 F3 Treatment34.3 (33.3)28.9 (18.6)30.7 (22.4).176NS
 F4 Intimacy19.1 (28.1)20.6 (19.9)27.2 (26.7).489NS
 F5 Stigma16.8 (29.4)26.4 (23.6)21.2 (19.2).597NS
 F6 Complications28.0 (28.7)30.8 (20.8)23.1 (20.7).572NS
 Sum score28.6 (26.3)31.4 (16.6)35.1 (18.8).377NS

Abbreviations: RFIPC: rating form of inflammatory bowel disease patient concerns, F1 : F6 (Factors 1–6), UC: ulcerative colitis, CD: Crohn’s disease. Figures are presented as means and standard deviations.