Review Article

Eosinophilic Colitis: University of Minnesota Experience and Literature Review

Table 1

Case series of four patients with eosinophilic colitis.

PatientAge genderSymptomsRelevant historyColon involvedLocation and mean eosinophil count per HPFTreatmentOutcome

12 months-MHematocheziaVesicoureteral reflux with hydronephrosisSigmoidLamina propria-23Dietary modificationResolution of symptoms. No recurrence
24 months-MHematocheziaGERD, C. diff colitis.AscendingLamina propria-33Dietary modificationResolution of symptoms. No recurrence
33 years-MPersistent diarrheaSelective IgA deficiencyAscendingLamina propria and muscularis mucosae-38Dietary modificationResolution of symptoms. No recurrence
453 years-FPersistent diarrheaT-cell lymphoma (status after BMT), C. diff colitisAscending & rectumLamina propria and muscularis mucosae-29PrednisoneDeceased after 2 months
573 years-FSevere diarrheaHistory of rheumatoid arthritisAscending and transverse colonLamina propria and muscularis mucosae-32BudesonideIncomplete response to initial treatment

HPF: high-power field, GERD: gastroesophageal reflux disease, C. diff: clostridium difficile, BMT: bone marrow transplant.