Research Article

Fecal Incontinence: Prevalence, Severity, and Quality of Life Data from an Outpatient Gastroenterology Practice

Table 2

Stool consistency, medication use, severity, and quality of life scores.

ConsistencyMedications at the time of visitSeverity scoreQuality of life score

Loose/watery —23aNone —11 (48%)29.52.26 (1.17–3.92)
Laxative —6 (26%)
Antidiarrheal —7 (30%)

Formed —17None —9 (53%)23.823.8 (1.33–3.88)
Laxative —6 (35%)
Anti-diarrheal —2 (12%)

Hard —6aNone —1 (17%)29.729.7 (1.48–3.96)
Laxative —5 (83%)
Anti-diarrheal —1 (17%)

Alternating —12None —4 (33%)29.829.8 (1.34–4.07)
Laxative — 5 (42%)
Anti-diarrheal —3 (25%)

aOne person took both laxatives and antidiarrheals.
bSignificant difference between quality of life (QOL) in loose/watery stool consistency versus all other groups combined, , and separately (versus formed, , versus alternating, ). No significant difference versus hard stool, .