Clinical Study

Expression Profiling of Proliferation and Apoptotic Markers along the Adenoma-Carcinoma Sequence in Familial Adenomatous Polyposis Patients

Table 1

Primary antibody sources, dilution, and antigen retrieval buffers and conditions.

AntibodySourceDilutionAntigen retrieval bufferMicrowaving time

Beta-cateninLEICA NCL-B-CAT1 : 100Citrate30 min
p53LEICA NCL-p53-D071 : 100Citrate20 min
1 : 200EDTA30 min
Cyclin-D1Thermo Shandon RM-9104-S1 : 25Citrate40 min
Caspase-3Cell Signalling CAT: 96641 : 800EDTA20 min
CD10LEICA NCL-L-CD10-2701 : 20EDTA30 min
Ki-67LEICA NCL-L-KI67-MM11 : 100Citrate30 min