Clinical Study

Clinical Practice of Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection for Early Colorectal Neoplasms by a Colonoscopist with Limited Gastric Experience

Table 1

Patient and tumor characteristics.


Patients’ characteristics, (%)
 Total number of the cases50
 Sex, male/female25/25
 Mean age, years64 (range: 46–82)
Lesions’ characteristics
 Mean tumor size, mm33.1 (range: 12–70)
 Macroscopic type, (%)
  LST-G18 (36)
  LST-NG13 (26)
  Protruded19 (38)
 Tumor location, (%)
  Cecum1 (2)
  Ascending colon6 (12)
  Transverse colon12 (24)
  Descending colon5 (10)
  Sigmoid colon10 (20)
  Upper rectum (Ra)8 (16)
  Lower rectum (Rb)8 (16)
 Histopathology, (%)
  Neuroendocrine tumor3 (6)
  Adenoma, low-grade dysplasia 28 (56)
  Adenoma, high-grade dysplasia 6 (12)
  Intramucosal carcinoma7 (14)
  Invasive carcinoma, SM11 (2)
  Invasive carcinoma, SM23 (6)
  Sessile serrated adenoma/polyp2 (4)

LST-G: laterally spreading tumors, granular; LST-NG: laterally spreading tumors, nongranular; SM1: submucosal invasion <1,000  m; SM2: submucosal invasion ≥1,000  m; Ra: rectum above reflection line; Rb: rectum below reflection line.