Clinical Study

Association of IS605 and cag-PAI of Helicobacter pylori Isolated from Patients with Gastrointestinal Diseases in Taiwan

Table 3

Prevalence of IS605 in H. pylori isolated from patients with gastric carcinoma, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, and chronic gastritis.

DiagnosisNumber (%) of IS605 positive isolates

GC ( )5 (25.0)*
GU ( ) 7 (21.9)#
DU ( )2 (6.5)
CG ( )1 (6.3)
Total ( )15 (15.2)

GC: gastric carcinoma; GU: gastric ulcer; DU: duodenal ulcer; CG: chronic gastritis.
* , GC versus DU; GC versus CG.
# , GU versus DU; GU versus CG.