Clinical Study

Eosinophilic Esophagitis in a Developing Country: Is It Different from Developed Countries?

Table 1

Clinical characteristics of patients with eosinophilic esophagitis.

VariablePediatric group Adult group value

Mean age at presentation (year) (range 1–17 ) (range 18–37 )
Sex (M/F)30/7 (4.2 : 1)6/2 (3 : 1)0.92
Mean duration of symptoms before diagnosis (year) 0.0001
Presenting complaints
 Vomiting 9 (24%)00.28
 Failure to thrive9 (25%)00.28
 Dysphagia/feeding difficulty31 (84%)8 (100%)0.52
 Food impaction11 (30%)5 (62.5%)0.18
 Heart-burn4 (11%)5 (62.5%)0.005
 Abdominal pain4 (11%)00.77
 Incidental finding of EoE3 (8%)00.96
Personal history of atopy
 Asthma18 (48.5%)2 (25%)0.41
 Eczema8 (21.5%)1 (12.5%)0.92
 Rhinitis4 (11%)6 (75%)0.0005
Family history of atopy31 (84%)8 (100%)0.52
Peripheral eosinophilia20 (54%)2 (25%)0.27