Review Article

Transabdominal Ultrasonography of the Small Bowel

Figure 2

TUS in Crohn’s disease. (a) Transversal view of thickened terminal ileum with preserved stratification and intramural hyper-vascularisation—High resolution probe. (b) Transversal section of two ileal bowel loops—proximal (left) with segmentally impaired stratification, distal with complete absence of stratification with hypoechogenic wall. The right half of picture shows intramural hyper-vascularisation especially in proximal loop, indicating active inflammation—High resolution probe. (c) Transversal view of terminal ileum with hypoechogenic bridge through echogenic submucosa between lumen and outer surface of the wall indicating transmural ulcer (arrow) and thickened inflamed “wrapping” fat (F)—High resolution probe. (d) Blind fistula wrapped by inflamed fat. Increased intramural vascularisation in color-Power Doppler (CFD)—High resolution probe. (e) Segmental absence of echogenic submucosa indicates longitudinal ulcer of terminal ileum (arrows) in longitudinal and (f) transversal view in a Crohn’s ileitis (WF-inflamed fat)-FDsign—High resolution probe.