Research Article

New Evidence on the Impact of Antithrombotics in Patients Submitted to Small Bowel Capsule Endoscopy for the Evaluation of Obscure Gastrointestinal Bleeding

Table 1

Baseline patients’ characteristics and antithrombotic use.

Characteristics, (%)

Age (y), median (range) 61.9 (19–91)
Female170 (62.0)
Occult OGIB 225 (82.1)
Visible OGIB49 (17.9)
Hemoglobin (g/dL), median (range)9.3 (4.2–15.1)
Diabetes mellitus79 (28.8)
Chronic kidney disease29 (10.6)
Arterial hypertension 140 (51.1)
Ischaemic heart disease 54 (19.7)

Antithrombotic drug use, (%)

Antithrombotics104 (38.0)
 Antiplatelet alone60 (21.9)
  Aspirin45 (16.4)
  Thienopyridine11 (4.0)
  Both4 (1.5)
 Anticoagulant alone31 (11.3)
  Heparin/LMWH15 (5.4)
  Warfarin/acenocoumarol16 (5.8)
 Both13 (4.7)