Review Article

The Emerging Adult with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Challenges and Recommendations for the Adult Gastroenterologist

Table 3

Patient core-competencies for success after transition to adult care.

Medical knowledgeDisease-specific knowledge including the following: 
Personal disease history (diagnosis, extent, location, and prior surgeries) 
Medication history (including adverse effects) 
General information on IBD natural history 
Disease activity and issues of reproductive health  
Effect of diet, smoking, and use of NSAIDs 
Importance of preventive health including immunizations

Health literacyA patient’s ability to obtain, process, and understand basic health information in order to do the following: 
Navigate the healthcare system 
Access preventive health services 
Communicate with healthcare providers 
Analyze risks and benefits of treatment 
Interpret tests results  
Mindfully consume available health-related information

Self-management Health promoting behaviors including the following examples: 
Recognition of disease flare and extraintestinal manifestations 
Adherence to complex medication regimen (e.g., self-injectable and rectally administered therapy) 
Ostomy care 
Smoking cessation 
Calling for medication refills  
Scheduling clinic visits

Self-efficacyA belief in one’s ability to organize and execute behaviors necessary to manage challenging situations

NSAIDs: nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.