Research Article

Estimation of an Optimal Chemotherapy Utilisation Rate for Upper Gastrointestinal Cancers: Setting an Evidence-Based Benchmark for the Best-Quality Cancer Care

Table 2

The incidence of attributes used to define indications for chemotherapy.

Population or subpopulation of interestAttributeProportion of populations with this attributeQuality of informationaReferences

Oesophageal cancer
All registry cancersOesophageal cancer0.01αAIHW [3]
Oesophageal cancerGood PS0.80–0.91α
AIHW [3]
NSW Population Health Survey [36]
Oesophageal cancer Metastatic disease0.26βNSW Cancer Registry [37]
Oesophageal cancer,
localised disease
Resectable0.54–0.69θ Enzinger and Mayer [38]
Oesophageal cancer,
localised disease, operable
Recurrence0.66θBurmeister et al. [39]

Gastric cancer
All registry cancersGastric cancer0.02αAIHW [3]
Gastric cancerGood PS0.76–0.89α
AIHW [3]
NSW Population Health Survey [36]
Gastric cancer Metastatic disease0.29βNSW Cancer Registry [40]
Gastric cancer,
locoregional disease
Resectable0.77δWanebo et al. [41]
Gastric cancer,
resected stage 1A
Yoo et al. [42]
Sano et al. [43]

Pancreatic cancer
All registry cancersPancreatic cancer0.02αAIHW [3]
Pancreatic cancerBelow 80 years old0.72αAIHW [3]
Pancreatic cancer Metastatic disease0.51βNSW Cancer Registry [44]
Pancreatic cancer,
localised disease
Operable0.16γJanes Jr. et al. [45]
Pancreatic cancer,
advanced disease
Good PS0.30λBrasiunas et al. [46]

Primary liver cancer
All registry cancersLiver cancer0.01α
AIHW [3]
NSW Cancer Registry [40]
Liver cancerGood PS0.90α
AIHW [3]
NSW Population Health Survey [36]
Liver cancer Metastatic disease0.23βNSW Cancer Registry [40]
Liver cancer,
localised disease
Resectable0.23γNCDB [5]
Liver cancer, localised disease, unresectableSuitable for chemoembolisation0.38εLlovet et al. [47]
Liver cancer, localised disease, resectableRecurrence0.2–0.33θJaeck et al. [48]
Liver cancer, localised disease, resectable, recurrenceIntrahepatic recurrence only0.83
Yang et al. [49]
Cha et al. [50]
Liver cancer, localised disease, resectable, intrahepatic recurrence onlySuitable for chemoembolisation0.68
Poon et al. [51]
Takayasu et al. [52]

Gallbladder cancer
All registry cancersGallbladder cancer0.01αAIHW [3]
Gallbladder cancerGood PS0.68α
AIHW [3]
NSW Population Health Survey [36]
Gallbladder cancerLocoregional, recurrence0.85–0.95γNCDB [8]
Gallbladder cancer Metastatic disease0.37γSEER [53]
Gallbladder cancerStage IA0.12γNCDB [8]

AIHW: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, NSW: New South Wales, SEER: Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results, NCDB: National Cancer Database, and PS: performance status.
aHierarchy for epidemiological data: α: Australian National Epidemiological data; β: Australian State Cancer Registry; γ: epidemiological databases from other large international groups (e.g., SEER); δ: results from reports of a random sample from a population; ε: comprehensive multi-institutional database; ζ: comprehensive single-institutional database; θ: multi-institutional reports on selected groups (e.g., multi-institutional clinical trials); λ: single-institutional reports on selected groups of cases; μ: expert opinion (adapted from Delaney et al. [34]).