Research Article

Functional Constipation and Constipation-Predominant Irritable Bowel Syndrome in the General Population: Data from the GECCO Study

Table 4

Clinical data and health care behaviors in the functionally constipated participants () in the questionnaire by type of constipation (IBS-C, FC-R, and FC—see text for definitions). Data are unweighted.

IBS-C, FC-R, FC, Statistic#
ANOVAPost hoc test

Constipation characteristics
Duration of C (in years)9.1 ± 1.49.6 ± 2.48.6 ± 1.2n.s.
To doctor for C: yes13215n.s.
Medication for C: yes21623n.s.
<3 stools/w: yes271932n.s.
Straining: yes 512065n.s.
Hard stools: yes542879n.s.

Health care behaviors
Current medication: yes11811n.s.
Does it help: yes11811n.s.
Side effects: yes14 (11)511n.s.
Changed diet: yes412136n.s.
Sick leave for C: yes406n.s.+
Inpatient for C: yes002n.s.+
CAM for C: yes1346n.s.n.s.
Currently working: yes432878n.s.
Yes: clean WC available372565n.s.+
Yes: WC visit any time121032n.s.

C: constipation; CAM: complementary and alternative medicine; #ANOVA: univariate, 3 groups, or chi-square: “IBS” versus “functional constipation” (FC-R + FC): only in case of significance, pairwise post hoc comparisons; only those who take meds; only those who are working; post hoc testing: ; ; ; +Fisher’s Exact Test; n.s.: not significant.