Research Article

Treatment with a Monoclonal Anti-IL-12p40 Antibody Induces Substantial Gut Microbiota Changes in an Experimental Colitis Model

Table 1

Cytokine and chemokine levels in colon.

pg/100 mg colonMice groupSignificanceSignificance
SCID healthy control12p40-mAb rat-IgG2a12p40-mAb versus rat-IgG2a12p40-mAb versus SCID

CCL5192 ± 72229 ± 35493 ± 62<0.0010.600
IL-2182 ± 24156 ± 1995 ± 110.0100.430
IL-569 ± 15118 ± 3731 ± 30.0200.400
IL-91,489 ± 1801,379 ± 194683 ± 970.0040.730
IL-10164 ± 30156 ± 2291 ± 100.0100.840
IL-13932 ± 145763 ± 122392 ± 520.0090.430
IP-10926 ± 567965 ± 1803,446 ± 606<0.0010.930
KC224 ± 44167.5 ± 31440 ± 61<0.0010.310
TNF-α28 ± 524 ± 560 ± 7<0.0010.630

Cytokine and chemokine levels in colon were evaluated by Luminex assay and are depicted as pg per 100 mg colon tissue. Only three of the study groups were included in the analysis (12p40-mAb, rat-IgG2a, and SCID control mice).