Research Article

Clinical Risk Factors for Gastroduodenal Ulcer in Romanian Low-Dose Aspirin Consumers

Table 4

Assessment of model performance.

Performance indicesFinal multivariable model

Global measures of goodness-of-fit
 Brier coefficient0,15
 Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness-of-fit test = 5,26, df = 8, = 0,73
Comparison of nested models tested
Likelihood ratio test (full model versus constant model) = 50,98, df = 15, < 0,001
Likelihood ratio test (full model versus reduced model),56, df = 9, = 0,307
stat (95% CI: lower-upper limit)0,85 (95% CI: 0,79–0,92)
 Somers’ index0,71
 Discrimination slope1,00

Note. Full model: model with all potential candidates from univariate regression analysis.
Constant model: null model.
Reduced model: final model.